Nov 1, 2004
#48 - Light Those Candles
When I was a child, I'm looking forward of Nov. 1. Why? -- because I can see my cousins again, play candles with them and I can eat my favorite food.
I can still remember that All Saint's Day is somewhat a family reunion to us. We, my family and other relatives, will meet at the cemetery to offer candles, flowers, foods and prayers for our departed loved ones. We will stay there for an hour or two so that adults can share stories, and we (with my cousins) will play.
In the afternoon, my mom and my sister were busy in the kitchen, preparing foods and other things. They always cook the favorite foods of my (deceased) grandfather and aunt. Every year, these same foods are always in our dining table and especially cook for this occasion only. Imagine that!!! Anyway, I took advantage of this occasion for Arroz Valenciana and Rice Cake (biko) are my favorites too.
I belong to a typical Filipino family wherein we follow an old tradition that was handover to my mom. At exactly 5:00pm, we will make a small altar in our house, put the pictures of our departed relatives, with flowers, lighted candles and laid down their favorite foods. At 6:00pm, we will open all our windows, open our door (not the main gate), light the candle and put on the opposite side of the door and mom will call us to pray not only for our departed relatives soul but also to others especially the lost ones. My mom believed that souls needed a prayer too.
It must be creepy to others but it is true, we really open our windows and door for we are inviting them to our house. Hehehe.
Anyway, that was before. My family doesn’t go to cemetery anymore during this occasion because of traffic and cemetery became crowded. We still follow the same tradition of making an altar, offer flowers, candles and foods. My mom, and whoever stays with her during that day, still prays at 6:00pm. My brothers have their family now. My sisters and I has different schedules/activities.
I'm still looking forward of Nov. 1. Why? -- Because it means a long-weekend. (Yehey, away from the office!)
Me and my climb buddies were always elsewhere to climb or go to the beach and camp, it depends on the holiday break. Mom knew that whenever we had a long-weekend, she anticipates that my sisters and I were out of town.
On the other hand, whether I am at the campsite of the mountain or at the beach, I make sure to light a candle and offer prayer for all the departed souls, that's it, before I got drunk or else I might put my tent on fire. =)
To Atot, Homer & others, enjoy your climb!!! (Mt. Kabunian – Poblacion, Bakun Benguet- Oct29-Nov2)
So sad, i cannot join them *sigh*
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
00:01 ::
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