MoMmY Lei ss_blog_claim=913025a03411326416d1f2daa1a8f71b ss_blog_claim=913025a03411326416d1f2daa1a8f71b
MoMmY Lei

Jan 16, 2006

#137 - Weird Habits & Presents

Again, I was tagged by Chas.

Simple Rules:
Just list top-5 of your Weird Habits
Pass to 5 friends
Leave a comment or tag on 5 friends informing that you tagged them.

My Top-5 Weird Habits (It's normal for me!)
1. I couldn’t sleep without scratching my feet on my leg pillow or to my partner's leg.
2. I overcome nail biting but im into ring-finger-biting now…hehehe! Nails cost me too much!
3. Kikoman, Vinegar or Fish Sauce must be included in my meal as my dip or else I'll loose my appetite.
4. I'm a certified coffee addict! -- 7 to 9 mugs a day.
5. Whenever I go to the river, lake or beach, I always imagine that something under the water will crawl and take me … and I will take whoever near me… hehehe

I'm passing this tag to Ninang Racky, Ayie, Wendy, Ate Ethel and Jen.


Hmmmm, Chocolates!!!

I didn’t include this in my list coz I don’t find it weird being addicted to chocolate. I'm sure there are people like me who craves on chocolates. Hmmm, how I wish Willy Wonka is for real so that I could purchase his chocolates.

"Mr Willy Wonka can make marshmallows that taste of violets, and rich caramels that change colour every ten seconds as you suck them, and little feathery sweets that melt away deliciously the moment you put them between your lips. He can make chewing-gum that never loses its taste, and sugar balloons that you can blow up to enormous sizes before you pop them with a pin and gobble them up. And, by a most secret method, he can make lovely blue birds' eggs with black spots on them, and when you put one of these in your mouth, it gradually gets smaller and smaller until suddenly there is nothing left except a tiny little DARKRED sugary baby bird sitting on the tip of your tongue."

Grandpa Joe (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)


Anyway, aside from Willy, I got chocolates from KD/Tita Ann & Ninang Neng.

From KD, Tita Ann & Kids (KSA)

From Ninang Neng & Family (Germany)

Thank you!

:: Posted by Mmy-Lei :: 00:45 :: # :: 8 Comments:

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