Jul 24, 2006
#164 - Time-Out
Summer, summer, summer! It's freaking hot!!!
Right now it's 43C here and too humid! I'm lucky working in the office but what about the workers? Construction work is flourishing here till in the next 5-10years.
July and August are the hottest month, so if you have a sensitive skin,
DON'T COME HERE! Last year I experience 56C! real hot! So most of the locals are running away from the heat and enjoying their vacation outside their country, and the expats are working and burning from the humid! Every summer the Ministry changes the working schedule of labourers inorder to prevent accidents.
Penalty will be imposed when you break the law.

FYI, UAE is far from Lebanon! For those who were asking me, texting and email, thanks for the concern.
Let's just pray that the war will be over soon.

<<-- one goody from Lux, win or loose, still the same. Thanks
Ate Ethel
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
01:58 ::
# ::

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