Oct 6, 2005
#125 - BSE
It's Breast Health and Cancer Awareness Month again and I'm an advocate of this campaign (Check my previous
I just want to share to all women out there the importance of Breast Self Exam (BSE). BSE could be the key or tool to finding out a cancerous lump. I know that some women don’t practice BSE coz they find it frightening or frustrating experience to check their breasts. But there's no harm to do it.
Try to make it a habit after a few days or after 5 days of your period. If you feel a lump, Don’t Panic. Breast tissue is often very lumpy. The upper outer quadrant of most women breasts tends to be the lumpiest. The lower half of the breast is often pebbly feeling and the area under the nipple often feels like course sand.
To find out more, Here's the FIVE Easy Steps of BSE.
Stand in front of the mirror and look at your breast carefully. Keep your shoulders straight and put your hands on your hips. Look at the size of each of your breasts. Are they more or less the same? Look for any obvious distortion or swelling. Do you see any puckering of the skin, dimpling or bulging? Are there any areas of rash or redness? Have your nipples changed position?
This time with your arm raised then do #1.
Gently squeeze each nipple between your fingers and look for discharge. If there is a discharge, note the color (Bloody, milky, yellow, clear)
Feel all 4 areas of importance.
- The breast itself
- The area between the breast and the underarm
- The underarm itself
- The area above the breast up to the collarbone.
Use your left hand to feel the right breast and your right hand to feel the left breast. Hold your fingers flat and together and press down with the pads of your fingertips. Press gently at first but then increase the pressure so that you can feel the tissue down to your ribs.
Stand up with your arm raised on the side. It may be easiest to do this step when you are in the shower.
Follow a pattern to be sure that you cover all 4 areas. A circular pattern of concentric circles out from the nipple works.
Moving up and down the breast vertically in rows from one side to the other.
This time, lay down with the arm tucked under your head then do #4.
To know more about Breast Cancer check this site www.nationalbreastcancer.org
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
02:21 ::
# ::

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