May 24, 2008
Hassle-free Shopping
I received an overseas call from my cousin yesterday and she was so excited to share her good news. First she’s pregnant and was so excited being a first time Mom and two about the
2008 thanksgiving specials. I was confused about the second news because I couldn’t relate to the subject. Then she explained to me that in the US, Black Friday is day after Thanksgiving and it is the start of Christmas shopping season. So I learned another thing from her.
Aside from that, she heard that Black Friday website list all the retailers with discount products, offers direct links to all the stores and you could shop online without the hassle of going to the stores as early as 5am just to fall in line with other shoppers. She was so thrilled and thankful because it will be convenient and safe for her to shop online now that she’s pregnant.
So as early as yesterday she asked me what book I want as Christmas gift because Amazon store is included in the list. I was moved because until now she still remembers what I want. Then she also shared that Babies R Us and Toys R Us stores are included in the list which will be helpful for her to shop for her baby.
Hmm, this is good for I will be worried for her current condition once she shops because I knew her well regarding shopping.
Labels: Event, Family, Shopping, Tips
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
02:51 ::
# ::

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