Jan 13, 2008
SOURCE: www.dictionary.com (Thesaurus)
Entry : Forgive
Function : verb
Definition : Pardon
Concept : FriendshipSynonyms : absolve, accept apology, acquit, allow for, amnesty, bear with, clear, commute, condone, efface, exculpate, excuse, exempt, exonerate, extenuate, forget, laugh off, let off, let pass, make allowance, overlook, palliate, pardon, pocket, purge, release, relent, remit, reprieve, respite, spring, wink at
An old friend and I were able to patch our differences .
It's kinda corny but the feeling is …"wow", no more ill-feelings towards each other. I know the time has come to break the wall and I am hoping that we could bring back our old friendship.I'm sorry R for being so mean to you.
Labels: Friends
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
21:00 ::
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