Jan 10, 2008
Moving OUT...
Last Thursday I was so shattered when the flat owner didn’t answered my calls for confirmation of my transfer to his flat. Huh! I thought I could move out! Grrrrrrrr…. So I decided to look for another place. I searched from one building to another with the help of Mr. Lhal, our Store Manager. At 3:00pm, I gave up. I was so tired, hungry and thirsty so I decided to visit Ana at her office.
The luck was still with me coz Ana knew a place. So I check it out. The moment I saw the place, gosh, it's so nice. I like it eventhough the rent is expensive. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the place is still available.
So I talked to the owner and Yehey!!! I got it…
He said he'll arranged for the painter and come back tomorrow to check it out. No way! I told him to finish everything in one day and I'll move in the next day.
So this is it!!! I have my own place. I need to buy some appliances and other stuff to make it "homey".
Labels: General, Life on edge
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
22:33 ::
# ::

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