Jan 22, 2008
Carry ON...
I was
HURT and it kills me like Hell.
I can still feel the pain, but I have to move on.
I guess this thing really SMACK me!!!
I will not make plans anymore, I'll just live my life to the fullest.
No more miss Nice Lei
No more stupid Lei
No more formal Lei
From now on, I'll just be a smart-ass/pain-in-the-neck/crazy MMY-LEI
No plans, no pains!
No rules, no expectations!
Rors is right! Coffee with coffe-mate is better. I had an awakening moment lastnight. My coffee-mate told me that life is beautiful and I should face the consequences.
I will change my hairdo just like Rins, I'm going to cut it short, short, short!
I'll make it black color again.
Hmmm, would green is ok? How about orange or blue maybe, my fave color…
HAHAHALabels: Life on edge, senti
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
23:48 ::
# ::

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