Jan 16, 2008
Home Alone
Home Alone Part1 - I like this movie so much! It's a light comedy film and will definitely give you a good laugh!
I'm not home alone, I'm living alone!
Living alone has an advantages and disadvantages. Right Rors and Rins!!!
Advantages : I have my
freedom! No need for further explanation.
Disadvantages: You're all alone! It's like
"Do it yourself!" system.
Last weekend, my brother was with me and we went out for shopping. First time in my life that I went out (alone) with my brother, what's more…Shopping! Never it happened back home.
Anyway, he was the one who told me that I need to fill-up the vacant spaces of my place. He helped me chose things like dining table and chairs, curtains, kitchenwares, water dispenser… etc. At first, I was a bit shy coz I wouldn’t pay for those things. It's his treat and share. I was having a hard time to picked things. I don’t know how much his budget, so I told him to choose first for the dining table. Oh, he picked a good brand, style and mind you, he doesn’t care about the price. So, from then on, I picked things that are worth enough for his money.
After our shopping, he told me that he couldn’t help me fix those things coz he need to go back. Argghhh…This is what I'm dreading to do! I don’t have any choice but to do it myself like assembling the dining table, the chairs and et. al.
Whew! I did it. Except for the curtains coz I really don’t know how to use that electric drill. I don’t have choice now but to call my friends.
Labels: General, Life on edge
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
07:30 ::
# ::

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