May 29, 2005
#105 - PopCorn pleaSe...
Finally, the force is with me… (for bitching again)

Me and my big mouth!!! My friend was so furious when he found out that I watched SW3 and left him. Hehehe. I don’t have any plans to invite anybody to watch with me. I wanted to watch ALONE especially if I like the film. I rather watch alone, concentrate and enjoy more the movie than with someone who asks questions or always looking at the watch during the entire show. Anyway, I promise him that I'd buy popcorn the next time we watch a movie.
I like Yoda best here in SW3. At least George Lucas was able to give justice to Yoda's character after 5 movies. Yoda was able to show that he's truly a Jedi master with some actions in this movie and what's more, he has a Lightsaber. I like it!!!

John: How do you feel
Charlie: I'm Fine.
John: Fine? You know what FINE stands for?
Charlie: Yeah, unfortunately…
John: Freak Out, Insecure,
Charlie: Neurotic and Emotional
John: Good…
"There are two kinds of thieves in this world; one who steal to enrich their lives and the other one who steal to define their lives"
"I trust
EVERYBODY; it's the devil inside them that I don’t trust."
"You know the only thing WORST than a Thief? A COWARD! "
- from the movie "The Italian Job"
DMX: I think they are at the club.
Jet Li: How do you know?
DMX: I know. I can just feel it. It never happened to you?
Jet Li: No
DMX: I thought you Asian were all mystical?
Jet Li: We like to gamble and not to guess.
- from the movie "Cradle 2 the Grave"
Daughter: Why dad?
Father: You know I hate lying! It will cost you much once it fire back on you!
- from the movie that I forget the title. hehehe
Why some people can't empathize the term OVER and DONE WITH!!!
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
04:15 ::
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May 23, 2005
#104 - SobEr
Work is Hell
And so I am ...

I'm beginning to detest my work and it is dangerous to my current state of mind. I can't think straight, I can't make a decision and I can't quit coz I gave my promised to my mom that however/whatever it takes, I will help on my father's medical expenses.
I knew myself, when I'm right, I fight for it no matter what, but it seems like that im becoming a "yes boss" person, person that i hate most. I can't complain, I can't contradict. Racial discrimination rules where I work.
*whew* (oh God please give me more patience, i dont want to loose my temper)
It's weekend again!!!
Good thing I got an invitation from a friend to join fishing on an island. I finished my laundry, packed my stuff and left my flat.
It's already past 7pm when we reached the place. It so soothing and relaxing. I like the island, the wind, the moon, the stars and the atmosphere. For a change, booze was out from my body system on weekend escapade.
Finally, I was able to breathe and found peace for a little while. I almost cried but I hide it coz my friend was laughing at me. A cowgirl like me should not cry. Hahaha!!! (no woman no cry – bob marley)
Fishing till 1:00am was fun, but I think bad luck was with me coz we cant catch a big one.
I slept at 2:00am and woke up at 3:00am to catch again. Imagine that!!! 1 hour sleep only!!! I want to kick my friend for shaking my tent to wake me up.

grrrr...Anyway, we decided to wait for the sunrise since we cant go back to sleep.
At 6:00am we decided to left the island.
Starwars: Episode 3 – Revenge of the Sith is finally open here. I will definitely watch this movie.

Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
06:43 ::
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May 14, 2005
#103 - Earth to Mmy-Lei
Work was toxic for 2
hell weeks, plus the fact that I had to trained 2 people…I don’t want to complain but arggghhhhh… It gives me too much headache

especially if both were singing different tunes on a simple mathematics explanation. Good thing that they were nice people or I might breakdown. (Buti pa pinoy madali turuan!!!)
A nightly jogging trip makes my blood pressure cool down. However stress I was at work, I forced myself to walk and jog inorder to revive my strength. It feels good that I can resume my jogging coz it's summer here now, I need to shake off some unwanted flab coz I was so lazy last season.

I neglected by Blogging world during those weeks and I don’t have time either to visit my blogging friends. I almost forgot to call and greet my MOM last Sunday (Mother's Day) but Josie texted me and reminded me about it.
Anyway, im back and I can update
TYAMBA, my photoblog
oiisst, visit my photoblog naman!

Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
04:36 ::
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May 3, 2005
#102 - TyaMba lang

Terrified again of not loving,
of loving and not loving you,
of being loved and not by you.
If you do not love me I shall not be loved,
if I do not love you I shall not love
- Samuel Beckett "Cascando"
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
02:56 ::
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