Apr 18, 2008
Call Away from Home
Living alone and away from my family is very hard especially that I am thousand miles away from them. My only consolation is my mobile phone in keeping in touch with them. Part of my benefits from the company where I work for is an international plan call. Every month I have an average free rate to use and the excess will be charged to my pocket. My family scattered around the world, from Asia to Middle East to US down to UK. So you could imagine how much money I shell out from my salary every month especially if you scrutinize the bills. Plan subscribers like me will surely understand the content of the bills.

When I discovered the wonderful use of
prepaid phone cards, I switched immediately. I was able to compare the usage of plan call to
phone cards and I save huge amount using phone cards when calling internationally to my family. Now, I can even call my friends too.
Labels: Family, Friends, General
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
13:54 ::
# ::

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