Apr 1, 2008
April Fools
Did somebody fooled you? Have you been fooled and your friends were the culprit?
Today is April Fool's Day and DJ's from radio station keep on reminding everyone to take care from crack jokes and be sport. Then i heard listeners sharing their fool's day experiece. What the heck, i dont believe on some of them, coz for me, april 1 is just an ordinary day. Well i was wrong...
Today's work was so hectic, then all of a sudden my colleague called me and informed me that one of our colleague will be terminated because of me... I was shocked and stunned. I couldnt remember anything that i have done. So i returned to my place and think. I was so sad because working here is pretty damn hard and yet someone was terminated because of me... So i talked to the person and was really got shocked when he started shouting at me... I wanted to speak and reason out until i could feel tears falling in my eyes. Then all of a sudden the team came out from the door and were all laughing at me saying....april fools...
what a life!!!
Labels: Friends, General
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
09:32 ::
# ::

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