Mar 25, 2008
Constant Change
There's no permanent in this world only Constant Change!
Constant Change is part of our everyday life. Nothing stays the same but we are not comfortable on it. It hampers our schedule tasks/routines and interrupts our plans. These changes are sometimes erratic and inescapable that results a person to become frustrated and anxious over bad things or excited and eager over good things.
Constant change affects our lives, parents, family, friendship, career, health, government and everything in this world. Most of us are not ready on this Change because we want permanence and stability in our life. In fact, some are worried and scared on this.
Positive thinking or re-orienting oneself is a better tactic to accept Changes. You don’t have any choice but to adopt and welcome it to your life. Since Changes will be part of your life, why not thrive on it and analyze what is best for you.
So, it is up to the person how to perceive the Constant Change in life, whether positive or negative.
It saddened me that my friend, Jacq will be transferred to another place, leaving Willa and me but on the other hand, we were happy for his promotion.
Labels: General, Life on edge
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
23:59 ::
# ::

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