Mar 8, 2008
ShAkE it BaBy!
I won't enumerate the details of my depression but I could assure you that gone are the days of being
celexa dependent thou till now my earliest sleeping time is 12:00am, it's good enough (rather than 4am and wake up at 6am).
I only took it for a week and gosh, I gained 20 pounds!!! The fact that I couldn’t sleep and eat less, I still gained weight because of that drug. My friends got alarmed not on my sleepless nights but on my bulging tummy and arms! WTF! I got worried… again!!!
My aunt advised me to go for fruits! Another problem, I rarely eat fruits. Solution, go for fresh fruit juice or shake! So I bought a blender!
8 days ago, I started my NO-RICE regimen.
Breakfast: 2 slice bread with mortadella and cheese
Lunch: same as breakfast
Dinner: Fruit Shake (Fruits and Ice only).
I lessen my coffee from 7 cups to 4 cups a day.
I cut my nicotine vitamins from 12+ sticks to 7-sticks a day. Yes
Melai, I've done it!
I submerged to alot of water. Nyahahahaha!
MJ mas ok ito sa coke!
The Result: I lost 10 pounds now and still counting… hahaha! Inggit si
tita ann.
I could rummage my
not-too-fit dresses before or go for
shopping! Di ba
Ma'am Rems,
Teks at
Ate Ethel, let's go!
Move over
Pips, I could wear my two-piece bathing suit, backless, sleeveless, plunging, halter, strapless blouses… nyahahaha! Those are in my
DREAMS only!!!
Anyway, it's good to lose weight, and I'm encouraging
TK to try it! Come on sis, you could do it!!!
It feels good but ...
Ate Ghee and
Kathy, i miss my sushi and maki... wahhh!
Labels: Food, General, Life on edge
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
01:18 ::
# ::

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