Mar 12, 2008
Word of Honor
Source: Hyper DictionaryWord of Honor - A
PROMISE- Make a promise or commitment
- a verbal commitment by one person to another agreeing to do or not to do something in the future.
How important is Word of Honor to you? Do you value it? Do you value every word that comes from your mouth? Or you don’t know it at all.
Some people tend to promise on something. I don’t know if it's a habit or they just wanted to keep the mouth shut on the other's party. You should be aware that whatever words that comes out from your mouth could be taken against you!!!
I couldn’t help but wonder that the kind of situation I'm witnessing right now really exist in this world. I thought it could only happen in the TV series, books or movies – meaning the writer's wild imagination. I was so surprised that someone's attitude will change because of money.
Anyway, some unforeseen event happened here and it involves my two friends (The Manager and The Winner). I met them through another friend and I could tell that they are nice people. They are working in the same company and they had a good working relationship. Last time I seen them together was with The Manager's surprised party from his staff. The Winner is one of the staff.
To sum it all, the Winner and his wife went to the Manager to borrow some money (which they always do) coz they will buy a video cam. The Manager, who always ready to help, agreed and even accompanied them. While at the mall, the Manager decided to buy a new mobile and they saw the Mall's current promo. So they redeemed their receipts for coupons. Since they got too much coupon and were mixed up, they decided that whoever wins, it would be divided to three and
all agreed.
Of course by now you know who won (The winner). Actually we were so happy that a Pinoy won the first prize, a brand new car amounting to USD 40,000.00 . The Winner informed The Manager that they won the prize. He emphasized "us". So the Manager just kept quiet but hoping. Now, The Winner turned the tide and made stories that it's his luck and he was only joking on his promise and spreading more bad news regarding the Manager and the whole staff got shocked. In the end, we found out that the Winner couldn’t decide coz the Wife was the one managing the money.
Hmmm, money money money… The Wife even forgot who took her to the hospital when she had an emergency, when the Management decided to shift her husband to another state and cried hard not to transfer him and when the wife was transferred here coming from another state…who helped them? Of course the poor Manager. What's so insulting, the wife gave the Manager USD 500.00 ! ouch....
"Money is the root of all evil." I don’t think so! Money doesn’t command people to do bad or good things. It depends on someone how to spend/use it and how to interact to others - if you have mind...
tsk! tsk! tsk! Where's your word of Honor? or it's a horror!
Labels: Friends, General, Life on edge
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
21:33 ::
# ::

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