Mar 10, 2008
Mirror mirror on the wall
I am a transparent person! You could easily forecast coz i'm not a magician to conceal it. I was a moody person before, especially during my adolescent stage wherein war over my YS (youngest sister) strikes through and she always won coz of my mom. I was able to overcome my moodiness during college time but I guess it's back!
My moodiness started again when dad died. I easily lost my patience and ready to shout to other people. I fought back and give a dagger eyes on someone. I'm trying my best to change. It really hurt me to hurt someone's feeling (intentionally or not).
I keep away from blogsphere to lessen my posts and avoid causing more trouble for I might write hurtful words but a blogger will always be a blogger. So here I am, back at two!
I started my blog out of boredom and homesickness and was encouraged by my friends (mae and daday). Truly, blogging makes me occupied. I found my sanctuary! My haven… my BLOG.
Happy to be with my blogkada!
Labels: Friends, Life on edge
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
03:06 ::
# ::

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