May 8, 2008
Artificial Rain
Two days ago, residents and locals of UAE were surprised due to thunderstorms and unexpected rain. A rain in the month of May! It should be hot and humid because summer starts on June.
I checked and found out that officials of NCMS (National Centre of Meteorology and Seismology) conducted a cloud seeding test. This is not my first time to experience an artificial rain because in our country government were performing this test especially during El Nino to prevent bigger disaster on agriculture, water resources, hydropower generation and other sectors.
NCMS objective for this project is to enhance the country’s national water resources, ground storage and recycling of freshwater.
- Al Mandoos, Gulf News
It’s good to hear that UAE got involved in this kind of project. A lot of residents and locals will benefit from this cloud-seeding testing especially during summer. Summer is really hottttt here.
Labels: Environment Awareness, Life on edge
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
00:07 ::
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