MoMmY Lei ss_blog_claim=913025a03411326416d1f2daa1a8f71b ss_blog_claim=913025a03411326416d1f2daa1a8f71b
MoMmY Lei

May 4, 2008

Are words enough as reward or you prefer cash?

Word of praise or cash as reward for a job well done? What will you choose?

I read in the local newspaper about this article regarding what will you choose as a reward, cash or word of praise?

Most of the people working here, be in white collar or blue collar jobs are expats. These people were working hard away from their homeland and I am one of them.

In the present world we live in, I would prefer to receive a cash reward. Let’s be practical, all prices, foods, rents and other basic commodities are getting higher. Even shopping online shipping taxes are soaring high. So a cash reward is more rewarding and fulfilling thing to receive because once you received a cash reward, automatically it means you perform good. Word of praise will come later.

We might disagree on something, but I am open on your opinion.

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