May 25, 2008
No PDA Please
PDA (Public Display of Affection)Women get jail and face deportation for kissing on Dubai public beach.
This morning, Gulf news article got my attention on two women (a Lebanese and Bulgarian) who got jailed and face deportation for hugging and kissing on public beach. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!
Dubai is one of the seven Emirates (state) of UAE. Even though Dubai is being develop and promoted as the main tourist spot in the UAE, the strict rule on public display of affection like kissing and hugging is a BIG taboo here.
UAE is an Islamic country though they permit other religions here, Expats who are working or visiting must follow that rule or face the consequences. Expats must keep in their mind to be aware on their adopted country, their rules and regulations and respect it.
This adage enters in my mind
‘When in Rome, be a Roman!’
Read the rest of the stories
Labels: General, Life on edge, Tips
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
11:43 ::
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