Jul 4, 2008
Check your winning smile
As a smoker, I am aware of the nicotine that building up in my teeth. So aside from being a responsible smoker to other’s (non-smoker), I take good care of my teeth too. I make sure that I visit my dentist regularly even it costs me too much and way too far from my place.
Since my company got engaged in
discount dental plans last year, I save a lot of money and it’s a hassle free using the plan. The
discount dental plans I have is a member of almost dental clinics here. I was able to find a dental clinic close to my home, accessible anytime and worry free from traffics. With
dental discount plan in my hand, I can say that I still possess a set of white teeth, free from cavity and no bad breath.
To all out there, don’t take for granted your teeth, it’s your key for a winning smile.
Labels: General, Health, Tips
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
12:24 ::
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