Jun 9, 2008
USD1840 for a 30 days visit
Coming August 2008, UAE increases the visit visa fee from $386 to $1840 for a 30 days period only. There were speculations that with the new set of rules, the ministry wants to slow down the movement of visitors here and to stop expats bringing their relatives.
I somehow agree on that new rule because I admit, that there are some people here are using the visit visa as another means of easy money. They will lure their friends and relatives for a greener pastures work, charge them a higher price for the visit visa and it's a cold cash for that person. In the end, you will feel pity on the victim. Though, i knew that alot of people will got shock on this rule, but what to do, that's their rule.
Aside from that, another new rule was implemented. Only UAE nationals can bring their friends here. Hmmm, i dont believe this!
Labels: General, Life on edge
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
12:21 ::
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