Jun 7, 2008
June Celebrations
It’s summer time here. Schools are officially closed and students are enjoying their vacation. For students, it’s good for them but for us, it’s hotter than hell here. Temperature starts to rise from 39C up to 42C and we have to be ready for the coming month.
As for me, I’d rather stay home during this season. I have already collected my books to read, some movies to watch and of course my online shopping.
According to my planner, I have 3 celebrations to remember this month;
Father’s Day, Gracielle’s birthday and Thanksgiving party of my sister. Since dad died 2 years ago, I will just light a candle and offer a pray for his soul. Gracielle will turn 5 and a
chocolate lover. So I’m thinking of buying a chocolate cake on her birthday. Then the most awaited event in the family, my sister is pregnant. Yes, she is so happy because after 2 years of marriage, she’s pregnant now. Like my cousin in the US, both of them got married 2 years ago and now both of them are pregnant and they were so happy for each other. So my sister is planning to have a thanksgiving party next week and I must prepare it well or else my mom will kill me if I will not cooperate. Aside from preparation, I’m thinking of buying a gift not for my sister but for her baby. Actually it should be
gift for babies for my sister and my cousin. Oh wow, a baby boom in our family
Labels: Book, Family, Food, Life on edge, Shopping
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
01:40 ::
# ::

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