Dec 12, 2008
Vacation Crisis
Eid Holidays is over, imagine 5 days of doing nothing but watching. Yeah right, I got hooked-up in the tv series again. House is interesting though I'm not in the medical field. I still found time to hang out with friends but I got itched to go back home to finish the 3 disc series.
Anyway, I'm currently on the third season and I still have time to finish over the weekend. For the meantime, I want to share some fireworks moment here.

Labels: Event, Friends
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
07:06 ::
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Dec 8, 2008
Cards for all season
Shopping malls is too crowded today because it’s the first day of Eid Al Adha. I couldn’t wait in the long cue for payment, so I decided not to purchase anything and headed to coffee shop. While sipping my cappuccino, I got an email from Tita Ann informing me something about the new offer of Blackhawk especially for this Holiday. It’s good thing that wifi works in this mall.
So I check this Gift Card Mall™ to ease my curiosity. I hesitate at first thinking that it was just another greeting cards. It’s not that I don’t like greetings cards, it’s so traditional. So when I checked on it, it’s really unique. Gift cards are a perfect gift to give this coming Christmas. It’s wise and trendy. You could even design your own card and most of all it is good for all season.
Thanks to tita Ann for a smart recommendation.Labels: Event, Shopping, Tips
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
15:37 ::
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Dec 5, 2008
Take 5
It’s getting cold here and Christmas is everywhere. Would you believe that malls started to decorate their shops for Christmas season here? Five years ago, Christmas is just an ordinary day but now even local people became aware of Christmas.
Speaking of Christmas, I was really having trouble what kind of gift I will give to my friend. Every year, it was really a hard day for me to roam around the malls just to look for a perfect gift for him. This morning, I went to the mall to start my pre-Christmas shopping. Oh by the way, I’m enjoying my 5 days Eid Holiday. I took advantage of it to start my shopping.
It just so happen that I stumble on these 5.11 Tactical pants. It was cool, I even like it for myself. I checked it out and found out that I can even buy online. Wow that will be a big relief on my side. I’m more comfortable buying stuff online. I’m pretty sure he will love it. He likes military things although he’s not from military.
You know what I found out more? 5.11 Tactical have more brands, not just pants. I checked all their brands. They have shirts, shoes, bags, books, watches, eyewear, shorts, knives and pouches for mobile, guns, knives and more. They offer small size to larger ones pouches. What I love most is the 5.11 Tactical watches and the 5.11 Tactical eyewears. Oh my, I will forget my budget plan for now, I will start next year. If only my dad is still here, for sure he will like it also. He likes these things, we have the same taste. Anyhow, instead of buying for my friend only, now I have to include myself on this order.
Hey, it’s Christmas time, time to indulge yourself once in a while. Correct?

Labels: Friends, Shopping, Tips
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
08:18 ::
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Dec 1, 2008
Private sector holiday on Tuesday to mark UAE National Day
The private sector will get a one-day holiday on Tuesday, December 2, on the occasion of 37th UAE National Day.
Although no Memo was circulated today in the office but it's automatic here in UAE, meaning no work tomorrow! hurayyy!
I started working here during their 32nd year anniversary and wow it's already their 37th year. How time flies by!
The government were preparing a big celebration for the national day. Dubai started today for their national parade while Abu Dhabi will have the largest and record breaking fireworks display tomorrow.
Hmmm, that will be good.
Congratulations to all Emirati.Labels: Event, Life on edge
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
10:38 ::
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