Jan 1, 2005
#70 - Holiday Rush
I don’t believed in last minute shopping. I don’t want the traffic jam and crowded places, If by chance I forgot to give someone, so be it. Gift can be given any day. But last Friday, I took my chances. I really plan to buy this thing and I must get it. So by 9am I forced myself to get up eventhough I slept past 4am (same day).
The mall was not crowded or maybe because it was still early. While at the mall, a little boy was following me. When I turned around, he started to cry and asking for his mom. Hmmm, lost boy! So I talked to him but we cant understand each other. By using a sign language, I told him to come with me downstairs at the Information Center but nobody is around. So I looked for any security who can understand the boy. Good thing that I was able to spot one, they help the boy and found the mother.
So much with that, I went to my purpose and was able to purchase it.
Hmmm, what to do now? Where else but to go back to my place!
My flatmates were busy cooking while I was busy on reloading a credit for my phone. Darn! It's hard to place a call. Network busy. Try again! Tray again! Alas, I was able to talk to my mom, and to the rest of my family. It's good to know that they were having a good time despite the passing of my Aunt, my mom's sister and I was so glad that my dad's eyesight slowly coming back after a series of operations. I also tried calling my friends but to no avail, only Tina that I was able to get in touched with.
My sister asked me what menu I prepared. (As if I cook) Well at least I have a hotdog on my table. Hahaha. The usual staff (coffee, Vit. C and vodka).
She asked again why you kept on calling (4 times), call it homesickness. Nothing to do!
A friend came to celebrate with us. That's wonderful!
Jan1-Late night, I received something. A nice way to say, something like a SLAP on my face and big-bang welcoming of new year… GET LOST.
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
02:16 ::
# ::

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