Aug 23, 2008
Dubai Kilo
New residents of Dubai gain between 6 and 12 kilograms on average in their first year here, according to a fitness instructor at a local gym.
One thing i really notice here is the lifestyle. Diners and restaurants scattered around here and the food is cheap. People who are tired from 8-9 hours work tend to eat alot during the night. Some prefer to take out food rather than to cook their own meals.
This is for real. I myself experienced weight problem. I gained a lot during my first year here and it keeps going up and up and up till 75kg. Last year, I decided to take a diet pill and return to my jogging regimen. The diet pill i took makes me loose my appetite so I turned to fresh fruit juices. My jogging habits every night continue until I lose 15kg and it feels good to being light again. Now, I just maintain my food intake and continue my jogging.
Labels: General, Health, Tips
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
20:53 ::
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Aug 5, 2008
London bridge is falling down
London Bridge is Falling Down is very popular song amongst children. I used to sing this song with my cousins when I was a child. We even have some sort of action play with other children using this song. Like others, I’m dreaming of going to London, walk in the famous London Bridge and stay in one of their luxurious London Hotels even for one night only.
I’m dreaming of staying in Dublin Hotels and hopefully I could meet my blog friend there. Then I will fly to Czech Republic and experience to stay in Prague Hotels. Since I will be in Europe, I make sure I will make my travel to the fullest and make use of the visa.
These are all plans until now. I’m still keeping my fingers cross for all impending hindrances that might come in my plans. I’m just praying that it will all work out fine.Labels: Hotel Rooms, Travel, vacation
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
22:12 ::
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