Jul 31, 2008
Best one
I just returned from my trip. Though it was only five days but still I was exhausted. Whenever I travel, I make sure I check the place where I go including the food. I’m not afraid to taste anything but once the food appeal to my taste buds, watch out for I will keep on coming back to that food.
So now I have some dilemma for I gained too much and I need the
best diet pills to lose some unwanted pounds. I don’t have time now to go jogging because of the current weather here. Humidity will last till September so I need the
best diet pills and I don’t want to waste my 2 months waiting to change the weather here.
Best diet pills are the only solution I’m thinking of and I knew
best diet pills will help on my problem. I proved that already before.
Labels: Health, Tips
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
08:19 ::
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Jul 30, 2008
Long Weekend
The private sector in the UAE will get a one-day holiday on Thursday, July 31, to mark Isra Wal Meraj - Prophet Mohammad’s (PBUH) ascension to heaven - it was announced on Sunday.
Tomorrow is a public holiday, and friday and saturday are weekend here....yehey! that mean's long weekend here in UAE.
But according to newspapers, it will be hot and humid long weekend which the temperature will range from 41 to 43C for the next three days. Hmmm, it means we must stay indoor and live couch potato style again.Labels: Event, General, Life on edge
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
23:40 ::
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Jul 23, 2008
Diet please
My lifestyles have change since I adopted this place. Back home, I was a sports addict that my mom had to beg for me to stay at least one weekend in our house and stop my sports activities for while. But when I landed here; work, eat and sleep were my passion for the first six months living here. So, because of having a couch potato lifestyle, I started gaining weight. I tried to re-engage myself with some exercises and jogging but still no effect on my weight. Until one friend told me to check on diet pills.
I hesitated at first, for I knew the side effects of diet pills and how costly it is. Since I’m so desperate on my weight, I checked around what kind of diet pills is good on my body. I found a good site, read about the ratings and reviews of the consumers, assess the pricelist of the product, how safe to use and how rapidly the effect of the diet pills. With all the solutions in front of me, who wouldn’t want to grab the opportunity in front of you, so I tried it!
I just shake off 15kg in one month.Labels: Health, Tips
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
06:28 ::
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Wikimania 2008

I just returned from the conference and i'm still tied-up with my work. I will give the full details of the conference once i finished my backlogs.
Good to be back.Labels: Adventure, Event, Travel
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
00:39 ::
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Jul 13, 2008
79 people arrested for indecency at Dubai beaches
Hmmm, so the arrest of people for PDA (Public Display of Affection) is increasing. I'm wondering if these people knew the law here or they just ignore it but ignorance is not an excuse. One thing they should know, they are in an Arab country so they must respect the rules and regulation regarding the decency act in this place.
The police were also urging people to report immediately if any indecency act they witnesses.Labels: General, Life on edge
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
02:43 ::
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Jul 6, 2008
Invading europe
I had a chat with my cousin who is currently living in Norway. I mentioned to her that I was planning to visit Portugal and I will be staying in Porto Hotels for my humanitarian project. She was so excited and told me that since I will obtain a Schengen visa, she wants me to meet her in Spain and we could relax in Valencia Hotels. I am too excited on the idea. She even told me that I could visit 15 Europe countries with schengen visa and extended her invitation in her place.
In Norway, she explained that she could find a room for us to stay since I could not sleep over in her flat for she shares with some friends. She even told me not to bother about the accommodation since she knew some good Bergen Hotels that are affordable. With our plans ahead, who couldn’t get excited on that?Labels: Family, Hotel Rooms, Travel
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
21:37 ::
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Jul 5, 2008
Where else to go?
Dubai municipality announces the fourth phase of smoking ban in public places, this time in billiards or snookers hall. I can understand banning smoking in internet cafes or e-games hall but billiards? oh my...
Restaurants, malls, public areas like hospitals area, family park, office building have already implemented the ban of smoking. It is a good move from the municipality and i adhere on every rule, but banning in billiards area...well, what to do!Labels: General, Health, Life on edge
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
22:29 ::
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Jul 4, 2008
Check your winning smile
As a smoker, I am aware of the nicotine that building up in my teeth. So aside from being a responsible smoker to other’s (non-smoker), I take good care of my teeth too. I make sure that I visit my dentist regularly even it costs me too much and way too far from my place.
Since my company got engaged in discount dental plans last year, I save a lot of money and it’s a hassle free using the plan. The discount dental plans I have is a member of almost dental clinics here. I was able to find a dental clinic close to my home, accessible anytime and worry free from traffics. With dental discount plan in my hand, I can say that I still possess a set of white teeth, free from cavity and no bad breath.
To all out there, don’t take for granted your teeth, it’s your key for a winning smile.Labels: General, Health, Tips
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
12:24 ::
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Jul 3, 2008
It's about time for taxi inspectors
TransAD, the Centre for Regulation of Transport by Hire Cars in Abu Dhabi will dispatch taxi inspectors to monitor the long wait of taxis. It will ensure residents waiting time to hire a taxi. It good to know that TransAD quickly resolve residents problem on taxis especially this time, where temperature reaches 40-45C.
Residents can also file complaints or suggestion to some rude taxi drivers.
Thanks to TransAD!!!Labels: General, Life on edge
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
09:32 ::
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Jul 2, 2008
New place, new furnitures
At last we were able to move to our new place. My sister, her husband and I were able to find a new flat. We need a bigger space because my sister is pregnant. She will buy baby things soon.
Since it's a new flat we decided to buy new furnitures and give our old ones to some friends. My sister is also planning to buy a new bedroom items since single bed is not enough for them anymore. It is really good to have a new place of our own with our new things.
Whew! now I love going home early and be in our cosy flat.Labels: Family, General
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
02:18 ::
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