Feb 2, 2008
Why it's easy to give advises on someone;
Why it's simple to console their pains.
And it's hard for me to open up my own agony, forget everything and move on.
For the past few days/weeks, I have been consoling my friends. I listen to them and they were asking my opinion. Why me? They said im strong, im vocal on everything and im brutally frank on my feelings… is that so? They look at me as an elder sister whom they can rely on, can carry any burdens (come what may) and strong enough to defend them.
Am I really like that? Maybe whenever im with them I always have a happy smile.
Im a good faker. I fake my smile and my condition.
I have so much responsibility, so much pain right now.
I cant discuss the details yet. I need to talk to someone regarding this. Maybe when that someone is ready, the pain will lessen.
I was telling Daday to stop Banging her Head. Now I need to borrow it.

This is what I need. To BASH my HEAD.
Labels: Friends, General
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
23:34 ::
# ::

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