Jun 29, 2008
Canada Day on July 2 to be celebrated in UAE
UAE will be celebrating Canada Day on July 2 but not official public holiday! I thought it will be announced as public holiday so I could rest and take some time off shopping!
June and July is the time for Summer SALE here. Weekend is traffic-congested in the city because people come to take advantage of the offers and I am one of them. With the persistent price-hike, who wouldn't splurge on sale like this?
Labels: Life on edge, Shopping
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
23:00 ::
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Jun 24, 2008
DAY called it like that!

-drawing by denise
DAY likes to hang-out at Starbucks, bugging my sister for frapuccino. DAY shares secrets and jokes. DAY are helping each other. DAY are my nieces (Denise, Aileen and Ynnah) …and I am glad that DAY are close friends as well as cousins.
I just want to share this info. I was with them growing-up but now that they started having crushes and undergo life’s difficulty at school, I am not there to guide them. I just hope that they will still treat me as the coolest Aunt they could ever have...hehehe.Labels: Family, General
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
02:20 ::
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Jun 19, 2008
Helping Out Loud
Weather here starts to become bad. It’s been dusty, windy and zero visibility for a week now. It’s good that classes are closed for summer to protect children’s health as well as vacationers.
Some of my colleagues started packing their things and off to their vacations. The management allowed everyone at the office who wants to take their leave vacations for at least 2 weeks. From my previous post, I wrote about them seeking my help regarding cheap hotels in different destinations like France, London, Sydney, Birmingham, New York, Miami and so on. Most of my colleagues who asked my advice materialized their plans especially those who look for Hotels Paris and Hotels Sydney, but some did not push through on their vacations outside UAE and opted to stay here and explore Dubai and Fujairah.
On the other hand, I was so happy helping out another friend for the last minute reservation. Olive was given a short notice by her family to meet them at Phuket. She was so worried for she was not prepared to take a vacation because of budget issue. It’s good that I was able to refer her to some Cheap Hotels in Phuket and she couldn’t believe it. Tomorrow night she will fly there and I could get reviews from her.
This site really helps me a lot. I could personally confirm that. I will tell soon on my next post.

Labels: Friends, General, Tips, Travel, vacation
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
03:28 ::
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Jun 18, 2008
Dust besiege UAE
It’s been a week now since dusts besiege the whole emirates as well other Gulf countries. Somehow it’s better to hide from the sun but unfortunately it’s worst because breathing is a big problem. Dust particles remains in the air and it could attack one’s health. Allergies start to attack people especially me who has dust allergy. I’m sneezing for a couple of days now, others start to have a skin allergy and I’m worried for my pregnant sister.
According to the weatherman here, it will last until two more days, meaning we have to remain indoors during weekend.
Read more hereLabels: Family, General, Life on edge
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
06:05 ::
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Jun 13, 2008
Killer Inspections
When I went home last February, the second important thing I visited was the resort house. I want to make sure if the rest house were still intact. The fact that the house is made of bamboo and the rainy season hit the area, I make sure that all the foundations were still sturdy. I love that house thou its small, my dad left a loving memory in that place.
First, I check for any signs of termites and then my mom engaged the termite killer expert services. I was really so happy for all the termites guide I learned. Though the resort was still in perfect condition after the termite inspection, I still ask the team to spray the house.
I will do anything to keep that haven safe and i will not let anyone not even termites destroy that place.Labels: Family, General, vacation
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
13:18 ::
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Jun 9, 2008
USD1840 for a 30 days visit
Coming August 2008, UAE increases the visit visa fee from $386 to $1840 for a 30 days period only. There were speculations that with the new set of rules, the ministry wants to slow down the movement of visitors here and to stop expats bringing their relatives.
I somehow agree on that new rule because I admit, that there are some people here are using the visit visa as another means of easy money. They will lure their friends and relatives for a greener pastures work, charge them a higher price for the visit visa and it's a cold cash for that person. In the end, you will feel pity on the victim. Though, i knew that alot of people will got shock on this rule, but what to do, that's their rule.
Aside from that, another new rule was implemented. Only UAE nationals can bring their friends here. Hmmm, i dont believe this!Labels: General, Life on edge
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
12:21 ::
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Jun 7, 2008
June Celebrations
It’s summer time here. Schools are officially closed and students are enjoying their vacation. For students, it’s good for them but for us, it’s hotter than hell here. Temperature starts to rise from 39C up to 42C and we have to be ready for the coming month.
As for me, I’d rather stay home during this season. I have already collected my books to read, some movies to watch and of course my online shopping.
According to my planner, I have 3 celebrations to remember this month; Father’s Day, Gracielle’s birthday and Thanksgiving party of my sister. Since dad died 2 years ago, I will just light a candle and offer a pray for his soul. Gracielle will turn 5 and a chocolate lover. So I’m thinking of buying a chocolate cake on her birthday. Then the most awaited event in the family, my sister is pregnant. Yes, she is so happy because after 2 years of marriage, she’s pregnant now. Like my cousin in the US, both of them got married 2 years ago and now both of them are pregnant and they were so happy for each other. So my sister is planning to have a thanksgiving party next week and I must prepare it well or else my mom will kill me if I will not cooperate. Aside from preparation, I’m thinking of buying a gift not for my sister but for her baby. Actually it should be gift for babies for my sister and my cousin. Oh wow, a baby boom in our familyLabels: Book, Family, Food, Life on edge, Shopping
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
01:40 ::
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Jun 4, 2008
Into the Cat Walk
Do you dream of becoming a model? Do you think you are beautiful, young and have x-factor to become a model? Then don’t sit there and do nothing. Join the newest trend in the net and be recognized by an agent. Maybe this is your chance to reach your dream by joining this beauty contest.
Join now at http://www.lookoftheyear.com

Labels: Event, Life on edge, Tips
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
03:01 ::
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Jun 2, 2008
CO2, Kick the Habit

Mark the day, JUNE 5, 2008.
It's World Environment Day, and it's time for us to react and join the whole world to celebrate the special day and be aware on our environment.
Early this year, Dubai started to implement to 'No to Plastic Bag' campaign, thou it's a little bit slow on it's campaign, at least it's progressing. Now, stores here became aware and got involved not to use plastic bags and offer consumers to use jute bag.
One of my favorite bookstore here is Magrudys and I was happy that they participated in the upcoming event - World Environment Day.Labels: Environment Awareness, Event, Life on edge
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
12:24 ::
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Jun 1, 2008
Unplanned Indulgence
I just had a dinner with my friends and it has been long since I was with them. During the course of our conversation, we were teasing Ger for his forthcoming marriage proposal. If Julia Roberts was the star in Runaway Bride, I could compare Ger as a runaway groom. Not necessary he’s running away, but he always chicken out to propose to Adlin. With that, I agreed to buy them a wedding plaques made by Whitehall Products inorder to push through their wedding.
Then Joe joins the group feeling agitated because he got lost again. I inform him I will give address plaques not to be disoriented in the future. The group laughed out hard for Joe becomes absent minded for the last couple of weeks due to exhaustion from chatting and watching internet based movies. Rins alerted the group having fruit salad in their house and Joe’s eyes become big, even encouraging me to come along with them.
As we finished our dinner, I joke with Reen to make sure that their house numbers is visible to Joe. He might get lost... again!!!
I excused myself for not coming to their house for I must check my mailboxes. I need to check my bills. It was really good to be with friends again.Labels: Food, Friends, Life on edge, Tips
Posted by Mmy-Lei ::
11:29 ::
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